Graphic Designs

That Bring Your Vision to Life

First appearance leaves a lasting impression and in the case of your book, its look pretty much dictates its success. Our skilled graphic designers create stunning book covers that best capture the essence of your book and demand the viewers’ attention. With the combination of colors, visuals, and font, we create a visual masterpiece that does justice to the words enclosed within, leaving the viewers curious to know more. Our guarantee:

  • In-depth market research for book cover design.
  • Customised cover designs for digital and print books.
  • Timely Delivery and Efficient Project Management.
  • Book cover design that stands out!
  • Sole ownership of the cover lies with you.
  • Unlimited revisions until we get it ‘just right’.
Beyond Words

Envisioning Imagination Through Graphic Designs

Deft offers an extensive range of graphic design services. Whether you are looking for stunning book
cover designs, an appealing website design, a logo, etc. our professional graphic designers can help

Logo Design
Book Design
Author website-
new or revamp
Social Media

Deft Graphic Design Services?

A book is only as successful as the effort put into it as a whole. If you work on the text and not on the cover, you limit its potential, and vice versa. A well-designed cover can:

Make a Great
First Impression

As we mentioned earlier, the cover is the first thing your target audience will see. A professionally designed cover screams quality and attracts a broader, literary audience.

Shows Your

A poorly designed cover shows half-hearted attempts at book publishing whereas a professionally designed cover shows the effort you put into your product and directly reflects your passion.

Build a

The difference between the average retailer and a brand is the effort put into building a brand. With Deft Graphic Design Services, you can get a book cover design that truly reflects your values, highlighting your uniqueness.

Give you a
competitive Edge

If you want to set yourself apart, a custom-designed book cover is the way to go. Sure, you can use an AI tool, but it won't do justice to your vision and chances are someone else will end up with a similar cover.


If the packaging is appealing and classy, people will line up to buy it. if the packaging is unattractive, regardless of the effort, time, or money that went into the product, you will lose out on a significant number of sales.

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Designs Pave the Way to Best Seller

You may not remember the author, but you will remember the characters, and the visuals, which is
why our professional designers work hard to envision your imagination.

Customized Book Covers

Every book is unique, and our talented designers try to translate its uniqueness and depict the essence of the story in the cover design while reflecting its individuality.

Hard-Book Covers

Some readers prefer a hard cover over a soft one. If that is the niche you want to target, we have you covered and can customize the design accordingly.

Artistic Cover Designs

If you would like something a little more artistic, something out of the box, never before seen kind of cover, our talented designers can help you!

In-Book Illustrations

For children’s books, comics, self-help books, etc. illustrations are a must, and we have the illustration designers that can breathe life into your book.


Dive Into the World Of Literary Genres Through Our Published Masterpieces.

Embark on a journey to broaden your creative horizon by diving into the many storytelling techniques and styles.


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Clients Say!

Disclaimer: We Only Charge A One-Time Fee Upfront & Don’t Have a Share in Profits!